# Learn more about twtxt: # https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ # # nick = luap # url = https://luap.lol/timeline/twtxt.txt # link = https://luap.lol # avatar = https://luap.lol/a7b03109606cca07.png # description = Just one more dude in a sea of dudes. # follow andros https://twtxt.andros.dev/ # follow deepend https://tilde.club/~deepend/twtxt.txt # follow lafe https://tilde.club/~lafe/twtxt.txt # follow twtxt https://buckket.org/twtxt_news.txt # follow = eapl.me https://eapl.me/twtxt.txt # follow = eapl.mx https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = sorenpeter http://darch.dk/twtxt.txt # follow = stigatle https://yarn.stigatle.no/user/stigatle/twtxt.txt # follow = yarn_search https://search.twtxt.net/twtxt.txt 2025-02-17T21:29:11-05:00 i cannot for the life of me make twtxt.el work. i can post from it, but no timeline, and it will not do post-hook uploads! 2025-02-17T21:37:59-05:00 I guess i can just write a quick bash script to autoupload my twtxt file occasionally? 2025-02-21T12:46:04-05:00 I really ought to get out and hunt down some interesting twtxt folks, maybe get myself on a list or something? 2025-02-21T14:46:43-05:00 sometimes when i post to twtxt the stuff shows up in my timeline, and other times it doesnt, which makes me think i broke it